永不滅的聲音:Augusto Boal(Morre no Rio diretor e dramaturgo Augusto Boal)



永不滅的聲音—Augusto Boal

親愛的劇場朋友們,身在巴西的我,必需向各位宣佈一件重大的劇場憾事。以戲劇的力量為全世界許許多多弱勢族群發聲的"被壓迫者劇場"創始者,Augusto Boal,昨天凌晨(2009年5月2日)2:40在巴西里約熱內盧辭世。

患有白血病的Augusto Boal(1931年3月16日—2009年5月2日),在4月28日時入院,昨天凌晨呼吸衰竭在醫院永辭人世。包括巴西總統魯拉(Luiz Inácio Lula)及所有政治界及藝術界重要人士皆為此深表哀慟。火化葬禮於5月3日下午2:00舉行。


許多的藝術家,包括名演員,導演,作曲家等,皆為他的離世感到不捨,稱許他是不朽的戲劇大師。此外,由於被壓迫者劇場不只是一種演出,同時也是一項社會改革的行動,衛生部長José Gomes Temporão也提到,Augusto Boal透過藝術和勇氣,以廣場式的舞台幫助了許多精神病人和窮人們進行心理治療,讓人們不分彼此和階級,分享自己和週遭親友的感受,與悲者同悲並轉為積極的心態。

前年七月間,我參與CTO(center of theatre of the oppressed)在里約社區健康中心的論壇劇場時,CTO就是帶著一群身心障礙的演員進行一場社區青少年性教育的演出。Boal告訴我,自從他市議員身份卸任後,CTO目前主要的工作在巴西各地的監獄,透過被壓迫者劇場讓觀眾變成演員的方式,幫助受刑人瞭解當他們加害他人時,被害者的感受,當加害者轉為被害者角色時,便能以同理心體會犯罪是錯誤的,進而教導受刑人道德與憐憫,未來出獄時才能真正的更生,而過程中已有許多成功的案例,有一名黑人少女仍和CTO保持連繫,在社會上幫助其他的人。


第一次千里迢迢到巴西,再坐八小時的車到里約,鼓起勇氣到位於里約最危險橋下的被壓迫者中心總部,為的就是在巴西和Augusto Boal再次相逢,看看真正CTO如何在社區操做被壓迫者劇場。

和我約好的秘書Maria帶著我去找Boal,我說,我是Kelly您還記得我嗎?前幾年在舊金山BATO(Bay Area Theatre of the Oppressed)”Theatre for Social Change”研討會,在台上協助您做立法劇場示範的戲劇碩士生。還沒等我說完,他已經回覆我,當然記得,那一回就是我生第一場大病的時候,unforgetable。 

舊金山那一年,是我第二次和他見面。我們在籌備研討會時,因為工作人員許多都和我一樣是前一年在洛杉磯南加大(USC)參加“Theatre of the Oppressed: Augusto Boal, June 2003”的成員,於是大家都很期待再次親身體驗他的教學。但那一年,他一到舊金山就發生了腳疾,前兩天的課程都無法指導,我是幸運的,相關課程早在前一年連上了他九天的訓練,唯一沒學到的"隱形劇場",就是舊金山那年他唯一親自指導的一堂課。我們到超市,到街上,以九一一恐怖事件後美國參戰的議題,在街頭引起民眾的參與討論。最後一天的立法劇場示範,在我的"立法劇場在台灣"的演講之後。我理所當然的成為台上協助他的助理,分配角色,遵從他的指示引導大家進行每一個步驟。







打從我第一次見到他,到前年在里約最後一次的會面,不管是容光煥發時,或是因病產生的倦容,我總能夠感受到他對CTO滿滿的愛。有時你會聽說,Augusto Boal在各國開工作坊的價碼很高,因為他必需靠在歐美資本國家收取高額費用來支應CTO在巴西的開銷,事實上,只要是印度或東南亞經費較缺乏的國家,他總是僅收取必要的差旅費用。他說,因為資本國家早已賺取夠多的錢,既然的學習我的東西,就要付出相當的費用,我的劇團在巴西從事的是社區工作,非常需要錢,但是戲劇這把武器在第三世界是相當有益的,只要他們有心,真正需要的話,即使沒有什麼經費我也願意去教他們。



我在這裡,以一個小小Boal迷的身份向Augusto Boal獻上最大的敬意與懷念,我相信,他以戲劇進行社會改造的理念將持續不斷的影響整個世界,讓人與人之間充滿愛。

Theatre is not just an event; it is a way of life! We are all actors: being a citizen is not living in society, it is changing it."
~Augusto Boal

二週前在醫院寫給 Regina Miranda(Chair, LIMS Board of Directors; Chief Executive Officer of Laban/Bartenieff Institute of Movement Studies)

“All human societies are “spectacular*” in their daily life and produce “spectacles” at special moments. They are “spectacular” as a form of social organization and produce “spectacles” like the one you have come to see.

Even if one is unaware of it, human relationships are structured in a theatrical way. The use of space, body language, choice of words and voice modulation, the confrontation of ideas and passions, everything that we demonstrate on the stage, we live in our lives. We are theatre!

Weddings and funerals are “spectacles”, but so, also, are daily rituals so familiar that we are not conscious of this. Occasions of pomp and circumstance, but also the morning coffee, the exchanged good-mornings, timid love and storms of passion, a senate session or a diplomatic meeting – all is theatre.

One of the main functions of our art is to make people sensitive to the “spectacles” of daily life in which the actors are their own spectators, performances in which the stage and the stalls coincide. We are all artists. By doing theatre, we learn to see what is obvious but what we usually can’t see because we are only used to looking at it. What is familiar to us becomes unseen: doing theatre throws light on the stage of daily life.

Last September, we were surprised by a theatrical revelation: we, who thought that we were living in a safe world, despite wars, genocide, slaughter and torture which certainly exist, but far from us in remote and wild places.

We, who were living in security with our money invested in some respectable bank or in some honest trader’s hands in the stock exchange were told that this money did not exist, that it was virtual, a fictitious invention by some economists who were not fictitious at all and neither reliable nor respectable. Everything was just bad theatre, a dark plot in which a few people won a lot and many people lost all. Some politicians from rich countries held secret meetings in which they found some magic solutions. And we, the victims of their decisions, have remained spectators in the last row of the balcony.

Twenty years ago, I staged Racine’s Phèdre in Rio de Janeiro. The stage setting was poor: cow skins on the ground, bamboos around. Before each presentation, I used to say to my actors: “The fiction we created day by day is over. When you cross those bamboos, none of you will have the right to lie. Theatre is the Hidden Truth”.

When we look beyond appearances, we see oppressors and oppressed people, in all societies, ethnic groups, genders, social classes and casts; we see an unfair and cruel world.

We have to create another world because we know it is possible. But it is up to us to build this other world with our hands and by acting on the stage and in our own life.

Participate in the “spectacle” which is about to begin and once you are back home, with your friends act your own plays and look at what you were never able to see: that which is obvious. Theatre is not just an event; it is a way of life!

We are all actors: being a citizen is not living in society, it is changing it."

Augusto Boal


